Yorkshire Diamond in the Press
Requests for information about the project from around the world
After posting the project to Pushpullbar.com the Yorkshire Diamond Pavilion has been picked up by a numer of our favorite online design blogs. These include ArchDaily, Inhabitat, BD Online, and Dezeen. Several printed design magazines have asked for information for print, including Mark Magazine (Look in the front section of #20 when it comes out). Building Design featured it on the cover as ‘Pic of the Day’.
The project has struck a chord among sustainable design enthusiasts and a number of individuals and firms have also contacted us about renting the venue to feature it in building and design trade-shows ranging from Austrailia, to France and California. We would love to be able to rent it out, but we’ve got to get it produced first. At this moment we are still awaiting official word from Yorkshire Forward about the results from the competition, and their plans for the winning design. We will post more information about this when it is made available.